Sponsored Swim for The Alzheimer's Society - *** Postponed ****
25 Mar 2020
Unfortunately this event has been postponed due to the on going COVID'19 situation. It will be rescheduled at a later date
We are holding a sponsored swim at Sedbergh Pool during the normal Wednesday session times. The money raised will go to The Alzeheimer's Society and Bradford Dolphin Swimming Club.
Someone develops Dementia every three minutes, dementia is set to be the UK's biggest killer, affecting all our futures. Let's try raise some money help to create a more dementia-friendly society, by supporting this charity and also help fund further research to try and bring more understanding to this illness and hopefully cure and prevention in the future.
Bradford Dolphins uses funds raised to provide events to support the swimmers. This could be in presentations and awards, parties and social events. It also provides bursaries for the older swimmers to progress into Lifeguards or Coaches, this hopefully helps to secure our future as a club.
I will send an email out for you join up for the swim. I will be at all the sessions in the week commencing 02 March for you to grab a sponsor form. Our you can download here Bradford Dolphin Sponsor Form.doc
Please support these worthy causes.