Return to training and AGM
12 Dec 2020
Now that Sedbergh is re-opening, we are looking to return to training in January. In order for this to happen, there are a number of roles that need to be filled to be able to re-commence training. We need volunteers to come forward to make this happen. Without the required volunteers we will not be able to re-commence training.
A description of what is involved with each role can be found on our website Committee & Officials (bradforddolphin.com) The roles that must be filled are secretary, membership secretary, welfare officer and swim mark co-ordinator.
Many of the roles do not require you to regularly attend any meetings. If anyone would like any further information, please email [email protected] Full training, handover and support will be provided.
The AGM will be held as a conference call on 05/01/2021 at 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM. All adults are welcome to join the meeting and this would be the place to show your formal interest in any of the positions available. The conference call details will be provided nearer the time.
As we have not been able to train during the majority of 2020, there will be no Bradford Dolphin membership fee for 2021, members will only be required to continue to be members of Swim England for insurance purposes, Swim England fees are Category 1 members £9.20, Category 2 members £27.75 and Category 3 (social) members £5.20.
Training fees will be increased to £5 a session, due to the limit of 24 swimmers per session and this would cover the pool costs.
Please support your club and make every effort to either attend the AGM or come forward before then to volunteer.