Child Protection

The club has a duty of care to safeguard all children involved in Bradford Dolphin Swimming Club from harm.  All children have the right to protection, and the needs of disabled children and others who may be particularly vulnerable must be taken into account.  Bradford Dolphins will ensure the safety and protection of all children involved in the club, through adherence to Wavepower 2016-19: Swim England Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures for Clubs.

All officials and volunteers who come into contact with the children have completed Safeguarding training as specified by Swim England and hold the relevant Certificate.

The welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility that is, administrator, club official, coach, parent, friend, and children themselves. Everyone can help. If you have concerns about the welfare of a child, tell a club officer such as the Club Welfare Officer.

All club officials have been, or are in the process of being, checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to confirm that they have no criminal records.